Delivery Dates
2018 Chick Pricing
Some Tips for your Chicks!
Being prepared before you pick up chicks is a very important step. Here are some important tips not to forget:
- Set up your brooding area with at least four inches of bedding (we recommend softwood shavings). A trick that works well for starting chicks is to add several layers of newspaper over all the area and then cover it with starter feed. This enables the chicks to easily find feed for the first day and prevents them from eating the litter. Remove a layer of paper and cover with starter each day. By the time you remove the last layer of paper they will have found the feeders. CAUTION: Be sure to spread lots of feed or the newspaper will be too slippery, and do not start turkeys on newspaper, as they may injure their legs.
- Heat at this time of year is very important. Chicks exposed to low temperatures (even for just an hour) cannot maintain core body temperature, increasing mortality and lowering expected live weight. Temperatures should be kept at 32°C to 33°C at two inches from the floor. One heat lamp will be sufficient for about 50 birds, but be sure to have at least two lamps as a minimum in case one fails. The temperature should be lowered by two or three degrees Celsius per week until the temperature is 21°C at about six weeks. Be sure that there is enough room for the chicks that they are not crowded and have the ability to stay warm.
- When preparing to feed your chicks, plan to feed them a starter feed for the first four to six weeks, at which time you should be switching them over to a grower feed. We carry both a conventional and organic line of chick feeds from Masterfeeds Animal Nutrition. Both are an excellent feed to get your chicks off to a great start.
- For more tips and tricks on starting your chicks come in and talk to our store staff, who can help you order your chicks and ensure you have all the information and tools you need to get your flock off to a great start.
Check out these publications from Frey’s Hatchery about raising poultry.
Frey’s Brochure
Care and Comfort for Baby Chicks
Basic Considerations for Managing Ready-To-Lay Pullets
Care Considerations for Raising Turkeys